The best way to identify the usage of Disk Defragmenter is to quote Microsoft
from its Knowledgebase document ìRunning Windows 2000 Disk Defragmenter
Requires Administrator Privilegesî(Article ID Q231176):
ìDisk Defragmenter was designed primarily for stand-alone workstations or
servers whose users have the ability to log on locally with administrator privi-
leges.Disk Defragmenter is not intended to be a tool for administrators to main-
tain networked workstations.î
Taking this into account,along with information from the documents
ìWindows 2000 Disk Defragmenter Limitationsî(Article ID Q227463) and
ìFiles Excluded by the Disk Defragmenter Toolî(Article ID Q227350) we come
up with the following limitations of Disk Defragmenter:
It can only be used by users with administrator rights.
It can only be started from the console.
It can only defragment local volumes,thus not networked volumes.
It can only defragment one volume at a time.
Only one copy of Disk Defragmenter can run at a time.
It canít scan a volume while defragmenting another volume.
It canít defragment the MFT and Paging ?le(s).
It can only run a complete defragment process if at least 30 percent of
disk space is free (this is a rule of thumb).
It canít run in a Windows script,nor can it run as a scheduled task;you
need the command-line version of Disk Defragmenter,called defrag.
It can only run at normal priority and needs to compete with other
running applications.
defragment drive, defragment increase speed MFT , paging file increase speed of computer, get more free space.
Some softwares and games does not work in wine
15 years ago
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